
by Anandi Salinas
10 years ago


Early work, or publications about early work on the Great Gods and the Sanctuary:

Blau, E. O. and K. Schlottman. 1855. “Mittheilung über die Altertümer der von ihnen im Sommer 1854 besuchten Inseln Samothrake und Imbros,” BerlBer 601-36.

Bouzek, J. et al. 1985. Samothrace: 1923/1927/1978. The Results of the Czechoslovak Excavation in 1927 conducted by A. Salač and J. Nepomucký and the Unpublished Results of the 1923 Franco-Czechoslovak Excavations conducted by A. Salač and F. Chapouthier, Prague.

Chapouthier, A., A. Salač, and F. Salviat. 1956. “Le theatre de Samothrace,” BCH 80, pp. 118-46.

Conze, A. 1860. Reise auf den Inseln des thrakischen Meeres, Hannover.

Conze, A., A. Hauser and G. Niemann. 1875.  Archäologische Untersuchungen auf Samothrake, Vienna.

Conze, A., A. Hauser and O. Benndorf. 1880.  Neue archäologische Untersuchungen auf Samothrake, Vienna.

Deville, G. and E. Coquart.  1867. “Rapport sur une mission dans l’île de Samothrace,” Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires, 2nd ser., vol. 4, pp. 254-78.

Gschwantler, K.; Bernhard-Walcher, A. 1978.  Funde aus Ephesos und Samothrake. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. Kataloge der Antikensammlung, 2, Vienna.

Phardys, N.B. 1898. “Νομισματικά Σαμοθράκης,” Journal international d’archéologie numismatique 1, pp. 253-262.

Salviat, F. 1962.  “Addenda Samothraciens,” BCH 86, pp. 268-304.

Schelling, F. W. J. 1815. Ueber die gottheiten von Samothrace, Stuttgart und Tübingen. Trans. Brown, R. 1977.  Schelling’s treatise on “The deities of Samothrace”: a translation and an interpretation, Studies in Religion, 12, Missoula, Mont.


Publications directly connected with excavations conducted by New York University:

Lehmann-Hartleben, K. 1939. “Excavations in Samothrace,” AJA 43, pp. 133-45.

__________. 1940. “Preliminary Report on the Second Campaign of Excavation in Samothrace,” AJA 44, pp. 328-358.

Lehmann, K. 1950. “Samothrace: Third Preliminary Report,” Hesperia 19, pp. 1-20.

__________. 1951. “Samothrace: Fourth Preliminary Report,” Hesperia 20, pp. 1-30.

__________. 1952. “Samothrace: Fifth Preliminary Report,” Hesperia 21, pp. 19-43.

__________. 1953. “Samothrace: Sixth Preliminary Report,” Hesperia 22, pp. 1-24.

__________. 1955. “Documents on the Samothracian Language,” Hesperia 24, pp. 93-100.

Lehmann, K. 1998. Samothrace: A Guide to the Excavations and the Museum. 6th ed. rev. by J. R. McCredie, Thessaloniki.

Lehmann, P.W. 1963.  The pedimental sculptures of the Hieron in Samothrace. Locust Valley.

__________. 1972.  “Addendum to Samothrace, 3. The lateral akroteria,” Hesperia 41, pp. 463-465.

McCredie, J. R. 1965. “Samothrace: Preliminary Report on the Campaigns of 1962-1964,” Hesperia, 34, pp. 100-24.

__________. 1968. “Samothrace: Preliminary Report on the Campaigns of 1965-1967,” Hesperia 37, pp. 200-234.

__________. 1974. “A Samothracian enigma,” Hesperia 43, pp. 454-459.

__________. 1976. “Recent investigations in Samothrace, 1965 – 1974,” in Neue Forschungen in griechischen Heiligtümern. Internationales Symposion in Olympia vom 10. bis 12. Oktober 1974 anlässlich der Hundertjahrfeier der Abteilung Athen und der deutschen Ausgrabungen in Olympia. Tübingen, pp. 91-102.

__________. 1979. “Samothrace: Supplementary Investigations, 1968-1977,” Hesperia 48, pp. 1-44.

__________. 1983. “Samothrace in the classical period,” in Πρακτικά τoυ XII Διεθνoύς Συνεδρίoυ Kλασικής Aρχαιoλoγίας, Aθήνα 4 – 10 Σεπτεμβρίoυ 1983, 4. Athens, pp. 119-123.

Samothrace.  Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University. K. Lehmann, P. W. Lehmann, J. R. McCredie, eds., from 1959.

Vol. 1:  Lewis, N. 1959. The Ancient Literary Sources, New York.

Vol. 2, Part I: Fraser, P. M. 1960. The Inscriptions on Stone, New York.

Vol. 2, Part II: Lehmann, K. 1960. The Inscriptions on Ceramics and Minor Objects, New York.

Vol. 3: Lehmann, P. W. 1969. The Hieron, Princeton.

Vol. 4, Part I. Lehmann, K. 1962.  The Hall of Votive Gifts, New York.

Vol. 4, Part II. Lehmann, K. and D. Spittle. 1964. The Altar Court, New York.

Vol. 5. Lehmann, P. W. and D. Spittle. 1982. The Temenos, Princeton.

Vol. 7. McCredie. J. R. et al. 1992.  The Rotunda of Arsinoe, Princeton.

Vol. 10. Frazer, A. K. 1990. The Propylon of Ptolemy II, Princeton.

Vol. 11. Dusenbery, E. 1998. The Nekropoleis, Princeton.


Vol. 9. Wescoat, B. D. et. al. The Monuments of the Eastern Hill.

Vol. 12. Clinton, K. The Religion of the Great Gods, Samothrace.


Further publications:

Basch, L. 1993. “Samothrace. Un navire consacré aux dieux,” DossAParis 183, pp. 24-31.

Bloch, H. 1940. “L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus in Samothrace and Herculaneum,” AJA 44, pp. 485-493.

Bousquet, J. 1949. “Callimaque, Hérodote et le trône de l’Hermès de Samothrace,” Mélanges Picard, pp. 105-131.

Burkert, W. 1993. “Concordia discours: the literary and the archaeological evidence on the sanctuary of Samothrace,” in Marinatos, N. and R. Hägg, Greek Sanctuaries, new Approaches. London, pp. 178-91.

__________. 2002. “Greek Margins: Mysteries of Samothrace (Ελληνική Περιφέρεια: Τα Μυστήρια της Σαμοθράκης),” in Λατρείες στην περιφέρεια του αρχαίου ελληνικού κόσμου, ed. A. A. Avayianoú, Athens, pp. 31-63.

Bringmann, K.  and H. von Steuben 1995. Schenkungen hellenistischer Herrscher an griechische Städte und Heiligtümer, Part 1, Zeugnisse und Kommentare. Berlin.

Clinton, K. 2001. “Initiates in the Samothracian mysteries, September 4, 100 B.C.,” Chiron 31, pp. 27-35.

__________. 2003a.  “Stages of initiation in the Eleusinian and Samothracian Mysteries,” in M. Cosmopoulos, ed. Greek Mysteries; The Archaeology and Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults, New York, pp. 50-78.

__________. 2003b. “Maroneia and Rome. Two decrees of Maroneia from Samothrace,” Chiron 33, pp. 379-417.

__________. 2004. “Two decrees of Maroneia from Samothrace. Further thoughts,” Chiron 34, pp. 145-148.

Cole, S. G. 1984. Theoi Megaloi. The cult of the Great Gods at Samothrace, Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l’empire romain 96, Leiden.

__________. “The Mysteries of Samothrace during the Roman Period,” Aufstieg und Niedergang des römischen Welt II.18.2, pp. 1564-1598.

Collini, P. 1990. Gli dei Cabiri di Samothracia: Origine indigena o semitica? Studi classici e orientali XL, pp. 237-287.

Daumas, M. 1998. Cabiriaca. Recherches sur l’iconographie du culte des Cabires, Paris.

Dimitrova, N. 2008. Theoroi and Initiates in Samothrace. The Epigraphic Evidence. Hesperia Supplement 37, Princeton, 2008.

Dimitrova, N. and K. Clinton. 2003. “An archaic inscription from Samothrace,” Hesperia 72, pp. 235-239.

Dinsmoor, A.N. 1992. “Red-figured pottery from Samothrace,” Hesperia 61, pp. 501-515.

Dusenbery, E. 1978. “Two Attic Red-Figured Kraters in Samothrace,” Hesperia 47, pp. 211-43.

Ehrhardt, H. 1985. Samothrake. Heiligtümer in ihrer Landschaft und Geschichte als Zeugen antiken Geisteslebens, 1985.

Frazer, A. 1982. “Macedonia and Samothrace. Two architectural late bloomers,” in Macedonia and Greece in late Classical and early Hellenistic Times, Washington, pp. 191-203.

Graham, A. J. 2002. “The colonization of Samothrace,” Hesperia 71, pp. 231-260.

Grüner, A. 2005. “Die Nike von Samothrake,” in Meisterwerke der antiken Kunst. Munich, pp. 50-71.

Hamiaux, M. 1998. “La Victoire de Samothrace. Mode d’assemblage de la statue,” CRAI pp. 365-376.

__________. 2001. “La Victoire de Samothrace. Découverte et restauration,” JSav pp. 152-223.

__________. 2006. “La victoire de Samothrace. Construction de la base e reconstitution,” MonPiot 85, pp. 5-60.

__________. 2007. La Victoire de Samothrace, Paris.

Harris, W. V. 1992. “An Inscription Recording a Proconsul’s Visit to Samothrace in 165 A.D.” AJP, 113, pp. 71-79.

Harrison, E. 2001. “Macedonian identities in two Samothracian coffers,” in Aγαλma. Mελέτες για την αρχαία πλαστική πρoς τιμήν τoυ Γιώργoυ Δεσπίνη. Thessaloniki, pp. 285-291.

Hemberg, B. 1950. Die Kabiren, Uppsala.

Hertzberg, V. S., M. C. Page, and B. D. Wescoat. 2010. “GigaPan Imagery and Archaeology at the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace.” Proceedings of the Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science, November 11–13 2010, pp. 1-6.

Hoepfner, W. 2001. “Zum Arsinoeion auf Samothrake,” AA, pp. 467-480.

Karadima, C. 1994. “Bόρεια νεκρόπoλη Σαμoθράκης. Η λίθινη σαρκoφάγoς 92.T9. The north cemetery of Samothrace. Stone sarcophagus 92.T9,” in Eλληνιστική κεραμική από τo Aιγαίo. Hellenistic pottery from the Aegean. The Fourth Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery. Dating problems, sealed groups and workshops. Mytilini, March 1994, Mytilene, pp. 196-205.

__________. C. 1995. “Aρχαιoλoγικές εργασίες στη Mαρώνεια και τη Σαμoθράκη τo 1995,” AErgoMak 9, pp. 487-496.

Karadima, C., D. Matsas, F. Blondé, et al. 2002. “Workshop references and clay surveying in Samothrace. An application to the study of the origin of some ceramic groups,” in Modern trends in scientific studies on ancient ceramics. Papers presented at 5th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Athens 1999, Oxford, pp. 157-162.

Karadima-Matsa, C., and K. Clinton, 2002. “Korrane, a sacred woman in Samothrace,” ZPE 138, pp. 87-92.

Karadima-Matsa, C. and N. Dimitrova 2003.  “Epitaph for an Initiate at Samothrace and Eleusis,” Chiron 33, pp. 335-345.

Karadima, C. and M. Koutsoumanes. 1992. “Aρχαιoλoγικές εργασίες Σαμoθράκης 1992,” AErgoMak 6, pp. 677-683.

Karadima-Matsa, C. 1994. “Eργαστήριo παραγωγής αμφoρέων στη Σαμoθράκη,” in Γ’ Eπιστημoνική Συνάντηση για την EλληνιστικήKεραμική. Χρoνoλoγημένα σύνoλα, εργαστήρια. 24 – 27 Σεπτεμβρίoυ 1991 Θεσσαλoνίκη, Athens, pp. 355-362.

Knell, H. 1995. Die Nike von Samothrake. Typus, Form, Bedeutung und Wirkungsgeschichte eines rhodischen Sieges-Anathems im Kabirenheiligtum von Samothrake, Darmstadt.

Lazarides, D. 1971. Σαμoθράκη και η Περαία της. Ancient Greek cities, 7, Athens.

Mantes, A. 1987-90. “To ανάγλυφo τoυ Moυσείoυ Θάσoυ, Λ 3255, και τα ανάγλυφα φατνώματα τoυ πρoνάoυ τoυ ιερoύ της Σαμoθράκης,”ThrakEp 7, pp. 159-170.

__________. 1998. “Tα ανάγλυφα φατνώματα τoυ ιερoύ της Σαμoθράκης,” in Regional Schools in Hellenistic Sculpture. Proceedings of an International Conference held at Athens, March 15 – 17, 1996, pp. 209-225.

Lehmann, K. 1943. “Cyriacus of Ancona, Aristotle and Teiresias in Samothrace,” Hesperia 12, pp. 115-134.

__________. 1957. “Kallistratos meets a Centaur,” AJA 61, pp. 123-127.

Lehmann, P. W. 1965. “The Meander Door. A Labyrinthian Symbol,” in Studi in onore di Luisa Banti, Rome, pp. 215-222.

__________. 1973. Scopas in Samothrace, Northampton, Mass.

Lehmann, P. W. and K. Lehmann. 1973. Samothracian Reflections, Aspects of the Revival of the Antique. Princeton.

Mark, I. S. 1998. “The Victory of Samothrace,” in Regional Schools in Hellenistic Sculpture. Proceedings of an International Conference held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, March 15-17, 1996, ed. O. Palagia and W. Coulson, Oxford, pp. 157-165.

Markov, C. 1980. “Samothrace and its peraia from the 7th to 3rd century B.C.” Thracia 5, pp. 145-154.

Matsas, D. 1991. “Samothrace and the northeastern Aegean. The Minoan connection,” StTroica 1, pp. 159-179.

__________. 1995. “Minoan long-distance trade. A view from the northern Aegean,” Aegaeum 12, pp. 235-247.

__________. 2004. “Η Σαμoθράκη στην πρώιμη επoχή τoυ σιδήρoυ,” in To Aιγαίo στην πρώιμη επoχή τoυ σιδήρoυ. Πρακτικά τoυ Διεθνoύς Συμπoσίoυ. Πόδoς, 1-4 νoεμβρίoυ 2002. Athens, pp. 227-255.

Matsas, D. and A. Bakirtzis. 2001. Samothrace.  A short cultural guide. 2nd ed. Athens.

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Matsas, D, and N. Dimitrova. 2006. “New Samothracian inscriptions found outside the Sanctuary of the Great Gods,” ZPE 155, pp. 127-136.

Moore. M. B. 1975. “Attic Black Figure from Samothrace,” Hesperia 44, pp. 234-50.

Nock, A. D. 1941. “A Cabiric Rite,” AJA 45, pp. 577-581.

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Roux, G. 1981.  “Samothrace. Le sanctuaire des Grands Dieux et ses mystères,” BAssBudé, pp. 2-23.

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__________. 2006. “Recent Work on the Eastern Hill of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace,” in Mattusch, C., A. Donahue, and A. Brauer, eds. Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003.  Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities. Oxford, pp. 79-83.