References and Links

by Anandi Salinas
10 years ago

Baxter, M. 2003. Statistics in Archaeology. London.

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Cox, S. M. 2009. Determining Greek Architectural Design Units in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace: Application of and Extensions to the Cosine Quantogram Method. MS thesis, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

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Frazer, A. 1990. Samothrace.  Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University.Vol. 10: The Propylon of Ptolemy II. K. Lehmann, P. W. Lehmann, J. R. McCredie, eds. Princeton.

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Lehmann, P.W.  1969. Samothrace.  Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University.Vol. 3: The Hieron. K. Lehmann, P. W. Lehmann, J. R. McCredie, eds. Princeton.

Pakkanen, J. 2004a. Temple of Zeus at Stratos: new observations on the building design. Arctos 38: 95-121.

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von Mises, R. 1918. The “integrality” of atom weights and related questions. Physikalische Zeitischrift 19: 490-500.

Wescoat, B. D. 2003. Athens and Macedonian Royalty on Samothrace: the Pentelic Connection, in O. Palagia and S. Tracy, eds.Macedonians in Athens, 323-229 B.C., Oxford, 2003, pp. 102-116.

Wilson Jones, M. 2000. Doric Measure and Architectural Design I: The Evidence of the Relief from Salamis. American Journal of Archaeology 104:73-93.

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