From Fragment to 3D Model
I am working on the 3D model of the ruins here at Samothrace and I thought I’d write about how we get from the fragments to the completed 3D model. As an example I picked the anta capital on the Dedication of Phillip III and Alexander IV.
It all starts with the fragments of the the building that are found on the site.
Fragment of the anta capital from the Dedication
Architects from our team then make a scaled reconstruction of what the profile of the complete anta capital would be.
I trace this in Lightwave 3D and make it into a complete 3D anta capital.
I then use a reconstruction of the complete building to place it properly in the rest of the 3D model.
Once it is placed correctly, I give it a texture (based on photos of blocks from the site).
The anta capital in the Dedication.
The whole Dedication of Phillip III and Alexander IV
See 3D walk-throughs the reconstruction at